Jaw stiff after tooth extraction?

Paige • 23. Joyfully married. 2 angel babies. MTHFR mutation. Hoping for my rainbow baby. 🌈

I had a lower back molar pulled 5 days ago. I just got the numbing needle, but they had to remove a tiny bit of bone around the tooth and put stitches in. I did get really bad swelling and bruising, but I didn't get any pain. The swelling isn't noticable anymore but my jaw is really stiff and I can't open my mouth past the width of 2 fingers. It's enough to get a spoon in. I also can't chew. It doesn't hurt, it just feels stiff and uncomfortable. I've been massaging and applying heat packs. The dentist isn't concerned but didn't give me any advice.

How long can I expect this to last?