Miscarriage, D&C and Methotrexate


So... I'm not sure where to start, I've never been on one of these things before, but I'm pretty sure my husband can't stand to hear me talk about it any longer. So here I am.

About 4 weeks ago I had a positive pregnancy test. I was so excited, I got my daughter a cute shirt that said "I'm going to be a big sister" and surprised my husband. We were thrilled. Dr's office counted me at about 7 weeks, and we scheduled our first appointment. And then two days later the bleeding started. They tested my HCG and it was low, and ultrasound couldn't see anything. Two days later, HCG was lower. But two days after that it went up. And stayed there for two more weeks of blood work every other day. They scheduled the D&C;, I was ready. I knew, it wasn't viable and my body just didn't seem to be getting rid of it.

They did the D&C;, but pathology didn't find any fetal tissue. So it needed to be treated as ectopic. In comes the Methotrexate... now we can't try again for 3 months.

I feel like pulling my hair out. Anybody have any good coping mechanisms? I am seriously ready to just get off this ride, but feel like I can't because it'll just be this constant countdown in my head until we can try again.

Thanks for bearing with me through the long post.