mixing formula and breastmilk


Sorry, somewhat of a long post, but I need some advice.So, now that my some is 10 months eating mainly solids it is getting harder to keep up pumping. He drinks 6 oz of breastmilk each feeding when I'm at work. if I dont pump enough during the day, I add formula to the container the next morning for his bottles for daycare. His doctor told me it was okay for me to mix breast milk and formula. I put all of he.is milk in a container and the daycarepours what he drinks in his sippy cup. They are really good about knowing to add more or less to his cup based on what he ate. At most, he drinks two 6oz cups while there. I send enough for 3 drinks because sometimes he gets greedy. So my questions is: knowing that a bottle of just formula has to be thrown out in 24 hours, would it be okay to save whats left from a 12 oz container of milk that only has 2 oz of formula and 10 ounces of breast milk? Or do I still need to get rid of it in 24 hours. Right now, I let him finish it at home, but most of the time he wants to nurse when he is with me. Just wondering if it will keep since there is so much more breast milk than formula or should I just keep giving him the rest when he is with me.