I love him so much it hurts

My boyfriend and I have been together about a year. When we first started seeing each other I knew he was flirting and talking to other people ( it bothered me but I didn’t say anything because we weren’t official) he didn’t have sex with anyone.

Well a few weeks after we made it official he flew home to see his mom and I felt like things were off like he was mad at me or something was up ( I tried real hard to convince myself I was just being a big fat vagina and worrying about nothing) well I said something and he told me it was nothing he was just spending time with his family. Until the night he was flying back he had a layover and told me everything about him talking and flirting to this chick Savanna and he deleted all the messages because he didn’t want me to read them and be hurt more/again. I was like ok at least he told me ( knowing I should have broke things off and ran far far a way).

Well, the first night after he got back I misplaced my phone and he told me to use his to call and find it he had messenger up and I saw he was talking to my ex girlfriend while he was gone and her best friend and I lost it. I left the house he called me ( my phone was in the car the whole time come to find out). He told me he forgot about them and if he would have remembered he would have told me, me being an idiot I forgave him.

6 months of catching him and him getting to the point of deleting his FB ( not because I asked because he said it was to much temptation). Lone behold guess who messages me but Savanna Snugglebunny herself saying “ I hate cheaters he messages me all day and then blocks me at night’’ I said “screen shots or it never happened”( even though I knew it did). Drove up to his work picked him up and said “what the fuck did you do” he said “nothing I’ve been working” I slammed on the breaks and said “stop fucking lying and start telling me the truth” he told me about all the girls he flirts with while he’s at work because I don’t have a phone. So we went and got me a phone.

I might have given him to many chances and might have turned into a control freak after this but he told me on top of everything when he was visiting his mom he also kissed his moms friend who was close to our age. So I got all of his email passwords, located all the dating sites and took him off, told him no porn, no flirting, I have his google account logged into my phone so I can see his activity and location at all times, deleted his messenger, Snapchat, instagram, twitter, any and everything but his texting and calling I can’t see who it is until he gets home.

Well Halloween night we went to a work party and caught him and his co-workers wife flirting (he denies it) and then my phone is MIA again so I tried using his phone to try and find my iPhone. Well went into his email because my email is on his phone as well and he had gotten an email and checked it from one of the dating sites I had deleted and went threw his spam just looking at the photos of other women.

I always tell him it’s tiring and I shouldn’t have to be in a relationship that is this hard.

The hardest part is I’m plus size and every girl he has pretty much talked to,flirted with, checked out were all skinny besides my ex girlfriend.

Then he sends me things like this....

Update - for everyone who said this is unhealthy I believe that it is, but at the same time the rest of the relationship is perfect people always say “I wish we had a relationship like yours” all the time.

He told me last night that he is afraid he has a problem and he wants to get help. His father had similar problems and he watched his father and his mother’s relationship crumble because of it and he has tried so hard not to be like him but now that he has settled down with me he realizes he has more of his dads bad habits then he cares to admit and he has contacted a councilor and ordered a few self help books. So I am giving him time to try and fix it. I might be an idiot but I feel he can change (wow I feel like that statement makes me sound dumb) I am giving him a month to see if he actually does what he said and if not I will be gone. Promise you all that.