Emotional and Physical Abuse


I was talking to a friend of mine and she made a comment that people who go through emotional and physical abuse, after a few years or so they should be able to get past it and if they don’t then that means that that’s just who they are, and most likely always have been. And when I say “that’s who they are” I mean side effects of the trauma, like constantly saying sorry, being afraid to tick people off even slightly for fear they’re going to blow up on you, trust issues and everything else one can think of as far as “side effects” go.

My question for you all is do you think it’s something one can just let go of ? And it does in fact eventually, just stop? Or is there always a small side of a “victim” that has to struggle with that trauma ?

I personally believe it stays with people, no matter how hard they work to get better, it’s hard to go back to being the way they were before the trauma. People make progress, but something like that, never goes away.

Just was wanting some insight to others ways of viewing this! Thanks ☺️