My Relationship Is Falling Apart Beyond Our Control!


help!! so me and my fiancé live with grandma temporarily so we can save up for a car (mine broke down a while back) and then get on our feet and they're helping us get to work everyday. well here's the problem! his dad also lives here. he's a HORRIBLE person. he's mean beyond words and description. he will literally tell you straight up that you're worthless and he'll explain to you why and everything in detail and go on for hours about how horrible of a person you are and literally you can't do anything about it but sit and listen to him.

but let's rewind for a minute...

when I was younger, I used to self harm and be very extremely suicidal. I used to take a lot of xanex (which I was prescribed to) to deal and cope with my issues.

anyways, I am 3 years clean from self harm, and 2 years clean suicidal. thanks to my fiancé helping me and supporting me thru everything ❤

So, my fiancé dad finds reasons to get mad even when there's no issues. I love my fiancé dearly, but after so long, everyday, being told how bad of a person you are and how "shitty" you treat the love of your life (which isn't true we have an amazing relationship, we have our moments, yes, as do everyone, however, there's no real problems) it takes a toll on ones well being. I don't wanna leave my fiancé but I would be so much better off NEVER talking to his dad EVER again! but I also don't wanna keep him away from his family becuz obviously that's wrong. he says he wants nothing to do with his dad anymore either (seriously he's horrible) but at the same time I still feel bad becuz that's his dad. and I'm also afraid at some point I'll be taking back to a dark place I don't wanna re visit and relapse and I don't want that but lately I've felt myself getting very depressed again and its worrying me.

idk what to do and I need help!!

how do I save my relationship AND my own health and well being!??

we have no where else to go right now in which we can keep our jobs and its anxiety provoking waiting to get paid every week. all I know is I can't be here anymore but it feels like its taking forever to get a car and weeks feel like years. my fiancé expressed to me how he can't wait to leave too. but I just don't know what to do as far as everything!!

has anyone else been in a similar situation?! what helped and worked for you and your SO??

PLZ no rude comments I just really desperately need help and I don't know who else to turn to.