Not sexually attracted to bf anymore.

I’ve been with my bf for almost 6 months. He’s always been overweight but in the time we’ve been together he’s put on an additional 10-15 pounds. Which doesn’t seem like a lot but it’s all gone to his tummy, he has a very prominent gut going on. His weight gain has completely made me lose sexual attraction for him and it’s also stressful because I worry about his health. His family has a long history of diabetes and muscle problems and being overweight only increases his chances of getting those diseases... but he won’t do anything about it.

He talks about going to the gym all the time and how he hates how he looks and wants to get fit. But then never goes to the gym or goes hiking or eats healthy. He will only ever eat chicken, pizza or pasta. Refuses to touch veggies except carrots and the only fruit he likes is cantaloupe.

It’s starting to drive me insane. I try to get him to be healthy but it’s so hard when he has such a limited diet. I try to get him to go to the doctor but he just doesn’t. It’s like he’s completely unconcerned with his personal health. I myself am naturally thin and enjoy being active outside, I try to get him out but he never wants to go anywhere.

What do I do? I love him a lot, he’s a total sweetheart. But I’m just not sure i can stay with him if hes going to just continue to put on weight and become more unhealthy. How do I get through to him about this?