If you don’t like someone ..

gg • Married💞 Momma of a little boy & glitter girl. Dog mom! 🐶

Okay ladies I have a question .. been struggling with an answer for this. Let’s say u don’t get along with some of your husbands family. Like their cousins or whatever. My hubs doesn’t either. Anyways my mother in law will sometimes watch our son who’s 9 months and sometimes there are family functions where those people will come. They try to carry my son or anything. Or my mother in law will want to take our son and she knows we won’t like those people so she desperately tries to hide that those people came to visit only when our son is there. We really don’t want those people around our son or even touching him. Is that being selfish. What would u do. I do want to say something just to let my in laws know but I don’t want to start a war. Mind u my mother in law is so effing sensitive n anything I say she gets offended easily n starts a huge emotional war against us. She suppose to take our son this Sunday and I don’t know if I should say anything or if I am wrong. I wana know some stories and some KIND advice. If u got nothing Nice or Kind to say then just leave the page.

EDIT: okay so what my mother in law and her kids did were unforgivable in my book. At my wedding they called me “alex” on our toast which is the name of my husbands ex wife .. 2) when we asked my in laws to move out j find a new place to live they got so offended n told the sister in law n cousins that I kicked them out n told them to stay in a hotel .. which I never did and they all started sending harassing messages to me n continued. They kept making fun of my peanut allergy n was saying they were gonna feed me peanuts and they kept calling me crazy n told me to do crack. Which I never would. It’s so mean. It was horrible n other stuff but don’t want to get into it that much.