Helpppp 😩😩😩😩


Okay guys. I’m about to lose my mind!

My son turned 10 months old on the 22 of October. For his first 8 months he was breastfed from the breast. Then I started working so he would get breast milk from a bottle while he was with my mom during the day then nurse at night. Wellll.. my supply is slowing way down so the dr recommended that I start supplementing just until he’s a year old. We tried Similac, one ounce of formula to 3 ounces of breast milk. He HATED IT like wouldn’t even try to swallow. Sooo I tried enfamil (those were the two my doctor recommended) same thing. Well now guess what?!?

he wont take a bottle at all. Not even pure breast milk. I’m about to freak out.

I even tried adding a little bit of juice to sweeten it up still nothing.

Any ideas? What do I do now that he won’t take a bottle at all?

We’ve tried sippy cup but he thinks its fun to get a mouth full then just let it all run out so he wastes more than he drinks and I’m scared hes going to get dehydrated. 😭