I gave up everything and now I have to start over.

Katie • Lover of lipstick, pasta, and Paris.

Long story short... my boyfriend lived 4,000 miles from me. We fell in love and I moved over to be with him. I left my successful job, sold all of my furniture and most of my belongings, moved my cat with me, etc.

Now, I’m here and I’m happy to be with him but I cannot find a job here to save my life. I also miss my friends and family an insane amount.

Right now, I have JUST enough money to move me, my cat, and what belongings I have left back to my city and rent a room or a house and get started again. If I wait too long, I’ll get stuck here because I won’t be able to afford to move back and start over.

But I have 2 main hesitations:

1) Obviously, there’s my boyfriend. It’s looking like I’ll have to move back in January so I don’t run out of money. He can move in May. He tells me he doesn’t want to live in my city, though. Should this be a red flag? I moved for him but he won’t move for me? He’s the best boyfriend I’ve ever had and takes care of me so well. I just don’t understand why he won’t follow me. It doesn’t make sense.

2) I’m really regretting selling all of my stuff. I had very nice things - a very nice life. I don’t know how to start over.

Words of wisdom would be very much appreciated. I feel lost and trapped and very torn on everything. I gave up everything to be with him, so obviously he means a lot to me.

I’m conflicted.