My fiance and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year. His birthday was a few weeks ago and we "tried" two times in one night and we've done it once after. My period was due to come on the 5th, but it started a couple days ago. It was light spotting & discharge at first, but now it's a little heavier. It's bright blood, and I don't know if I'm just hoping that I am just randomly bleeding (because I've searched some things on Google and here that said it's normal in the first 12 weeks) or if it's my period. I have been having random cramps, but not where they normally are with periods. It's more like random little pains. It's weird to explain, but I've also had a higher sensitivity to smells. Like, his mom made some fish & usually, I can deal, but I almost vomited, and I made some fried rice and he brought the bowl in here, and it's making me so nauseous. I'm going to take a test this weekend, and I'm hoping that I am, but I was convinced that since I'm bleeding, then I'm not?

Any advice or suggestions would be so helpful! We have wanted this forever, but something honestly feels different this time! I have also been a little cry baby in the past week or so. Everyone around me is getting pregnant so easy, and I've been trying forever, and it's just not happening. We don't make it a forced situation, we just make love and enjoy everything that's happening and just do it.

Thanks in advance for the responses ✨💕

*UPDATE* I was ovulating each time we tried.