Anyone had their due date significantly pushed back?


I just got done with a frustrating appointment. My first ultrasound. Got there and found out my doctor is actually a resident (I'm a marine corp wife so we automatically get assigned), which I don't mind too much as he is very kind. However, after going over history and blood tests everything kind of went downhill, he starts my ultrasound... sound on the machine is broke so now I don't get to hear the heartbeat. Then he starts my transvaginal ultrasound... being new, he wasn't the most gentle, then it started to take longer and longer. He couldn't get the right angle. After 10 minutes of him fishing around the actual doctor stepped in. But he had to go another 5 minutes to get a decent picture because baby was active. This whole time they didn't say much or let us see the screen which had me a little worried. Then they suddenly pull the wand out, shut the ultrasound down, and all it prints out is this tiny picture that is mostly black, so you can't really see our sweet baby. He lets us see it and on the bottom I see it says 9 weeks 1 day when according to my last period I'm 12 weeks along as of today. I asked him about it worried maybe the baby stopped growing, and he says baby is healthy but due dates change a lot during first trimester (which is fine! As long as baby is growing). But, Between not hearing the heart, the crappy picture that's so dark we can't even see the baby, and now knowing the due date has changed drastically (which is fine, I was just a little shocked at how drastically different it was), I had a really hard appointment and was really frustrated because it was so down and up. I know I'm just hormonal, and at least we are both healthy, I'm just really bummed out and super sore from all the prodding. Just curious how common situations like this are!