Contraction questions for you veteran Mamas

Amy • Met my hubby in 2011 we became great friends, started dating 10/14 and were married July 2015. Now we are a family of 3! 👶 Baby #2 on the way!

So with my first my water broke and I never really had real labor contractions until they gave me pitocin but I shortly had my epidural so I don't know what to feel for really.

I am having mild contractions, just like menstrual cramps though they don't really hurt like I remember my full blown contractions feeling.

I'm trying to time them, do I stop the clock just when the pain stops or when my stomach is no longer hard. the pain stops about 10-15 seconds before my stomach let's up.

is it necessary to time them if they aren't very painful? they are about 3 minutes apart from what I can gather. if I'm doing things right.