Work out journey.

About a month ago I join the gym and although I’m not religious about it, I do go at least twice a week. Because I have a child and we only share one car, it’s a little harder for me. My husband on the other hand goes everyday when he has some free time through the day. He’s drinking Muscle Milk and takes vitamins. And I’m kind of confused because I don’t drink anything at all. I just try and eat healthy. I really want to commit myself to this and start going everyday. Soon I will have a job and won’t be able to go often. I usually always work on my legs/glutes. My husband is training me on other things. But As far as protein and carbs, how much should I be taking? I weigh 114 and I am 5’0. I still breastfeed so I’m not sure if I can take some sort of protein shake or Whey gain? I’m not trying to lose weight as I am skinny, my stomach is sort of chubby so I’m trying to lose that. Without losing weight, I guess I’m just trying to tone it. Can someone please help me. What kind of vitamins should I take? Protein shakes although I breastfeed?? If so, what kind?

I just feel like I’m going to the gym for nothing because i don’t take vitamins nor do I take any supplements?