Stay at home wife vs working wife


Update; thanks to everyone with their input!! I️ do not work by choice rather, I️ need to. We live a “nicer” lifestyle, iE new car, big house downtown. They live in apartments and drive older cars (less in bills). I️ would LOVE to stay home with my kids and be the “ultimate SAHM” but can’t. He knows this, everyone knows me. So sorry for the rant, just sucks and obviously didn’t think this through when I️ upgraded my life 😅😅😅 fml

So my husband works in the tree business.. meaning cutting and hauling. All of his friends are married as well with kids. Him and his friends float around from job to job and switch stuff up every couple years.

All of them have stay at home wives. They stay home, clean house, cook, take care of the kids, do everything for their husbands.

I am the only wife out of 10 of these women that has a job and works full time.

These guys are bragging to my husband how well their wives treat them. Then my husband comes home and basically says how lucky they are.

What would you say to your husband?