Greys - possible spoiler / possible trigger


So this week on Greys, one of the characters Jo made a big decision.

For those of you who are not familiar, Jo is using an alias, and she is still married to her abusive husband. She had to run away.

Because of this, she missed out on being photographed / mentioned as an assistant on a groundbreaking surgery that got published and nominated for a huge award. Being that shes a resident, it would have been awesome for her and her career to have her name on it even as an assistant.

In the episode, she asks a patient who is a judge if there was any way she’d be able to be protected if she came out of hiding and filed for a divorce. The judge ultimately told her there is paperwork, but it never truly helps keep past abusers away. Those men don’t care about a piece of paper.

She ultimately decided (and told her bf) that she was filing for divorce. She wanted to live her life again. And knowing Shonda, I can just see the drama volcano getting ready to pop

Shouldn’t there be better options? She escaped an abusive marriage, changed her whole name but she is still tied to an identity that is married to a POS.

Why dont we have better protection for these women who can get out?

Do you think more women would if there was a guaranteed form of identity change / protection?

What should be done differently?