Boyfriends sister hates me and easily manipulates him


Okay so I actually had no issue with his sister and I really did like her up until recently. So basically she cheated on her bf and long story short she was gonna stay with him and not tell him until his lease was up and then tell him and move to Seattle. Well it didn’t work out how she wanted it too they broke up, he brought other girls home and she moved to a friends. Well she at last minute like literally 2 days ago told my bf ( her brother ) that she is moving to Seattle on the 18th and he HAS to help her. He works the day she is moving , and I’m having medical Issues so we are both very strapped money wise. So he brought it up to me and I did voice my concerns over our money situation , and I was concerned over the fact she is moving to another state with no job and no money , like how is she going to be okay? All I did was suggest to him that she should wait until she has money saved up so when she gets there she won’t be in a bad situation , he also rarely gets time off so it was not a garentee yet that he could get the 18th off. Well he tells her this she gets pissed off. She then decides to come over to hang out at our place and again I’m having a severe medical issue with my lungs and he didn’t want her to stress me out but he did not think she would do what she did next. So we are in the car and she goes “ look I am moving the 18th and my brother is going to help me regardless of what you say” her exact words. So I politely explained my worries and the medical issues going on. She then follows me into MY house , corners me in my room and tells me that I’m just his gf and she matters more than me and what ever is going on in my life. My bf just stood in between us not saying anything she then basically tells him he has to chose me or her and I’m like holy shit this is crap to do to him and me. So he gets her to leave. For three days my bf and I fought and I had a horrible break down I was just a mess and it’s mainly the medical issue that’s got me all screwed up emotionally. But then she tells him she’s buying him a plane ticket so he can come back. She states it was only 120 and then I look it up and it’s actually 344, I explained to him that she shoudnt spend this much when she has nothing so I said I’d pay for a rental car or a bus ticket home and it will be cheaper. But I’d be broke and couldn’t afford to travel to see my doctor. I explained to her this and she tells me she doesn’t want me to come only him , which I’m fine with it was only the fact that he’s broke due to other circumstances with his vehicle and the only money we have currently is mine. So he’s be cutting into what I have and need for a doctor. She didn’t care and was saying he’s going to help her no matter what. So he gets the day approved but his work is pissed cuz that a busy day, he tells his sister if I’m paying for anything then I’m coming so I can at least enjoy seattle for a day. She gets pissed off. He then said he might get the 17 off instead and if so he can’t do it cuz I work and he is my ride to and from she then says that’s my problem and that she’s more important. So the conclusion is we are going to help her move on the 18th of this month and be flat broke for awhile. My issue is wtf do I do in this situation ?