Breaking up while pregnant!??

This is kind of embarrassing to talk about.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year , I am 10 weeks pregnant and we found out when I was only 2 weeks pregnant.

Currently my boyfriend is working 3 hours away in another city making very good money . Has been there for about 4 months and we had been making it work fine, I didn't want to leave because of my job here (this is all prior to the pregnancy) well once we found out my mind changed and I feel like I should be there with him .

Today my room mate moved out , without paying rent leaving me with all the bills in which I haven't been doing so great on the financial end myself , I didn't turn in a plate to an old vehicle so they have suspended my license. I have been sick in and out the hospital with HG and have been missing a lot of work so she has just left me in a horrible situation in which my "boyfriend" that I am pregnant for doesn't seem to think is a very serious situation. Not to mention I have a 4 year old daughter from a previous relationship.

I feel like he has been changing a little , I know he has been tired and not wanting to talk as much but I feel like he should be trying to be here for me and he isn't .

He begged me for a baby for 6 months and I went behind his back taking plan b pills and taking birth control because I wasn't ready : when I thought we were finally in a better place financially I decided to just go through with it and I got pregnant .

So basically the baby was talked about and planned this wasn't unplanned but he says things in a joking way like what I have I done , and what are we going to do now ?

Moral of the story is my hormones are raging -- I'm a huge Bitch when I'm pregnant, I broke up with my daughters dad while pregnant with her and we never mended a thing , I'm scared very scared to be alone but I can't take this anymore I want to cut all ties but that's just the hormones raging from hell and back I think ??? Help