Put some clothes on you fucking slut!!


In the past week alone, I’ve had 4 instances where a man had made either aggressive or crude comments about my appearance, and I’m fucking sick of it. In my country, I am over the age of consent, but I’m not yet 18, and one of these men appeared in his 60s, and the rest looked well over 20. Not saying that catcalling is ever okay, but since I look young, it’s seems creepier.

2 guys yelled out of their car as they passed me and yelled “put some clothes on you fucking slut!” while I was wearing this:

Whilst it does show my cleavage, it only shows a tiny bit of my stomach, and the shorts come at least 5cm down. They aren’t booty shorts by any means, and they aren’t tight. Even if I was wearing the most revealing thing, that doesn’t give you justification for yelling about me, nor does it tell you anything about my sexual promiscuity. And even if I slept with many people, as long as I was safe, had consent, and didn’t cheat, then that’s not a problem either. So fuck off

In this outfit, as I passed a group of guys, I heard them say “make that booty bounce.” And then they proceeded to yell for me to come over as I passed them.

Later that same day, the older man said “hey, beautiful. Do you want me to pay for you?” As I was at the supermarket. Not as gross, but he was obviously significantly older than me and had that sorta sleazy tone. He also stood waaay too close so that I could feel his breath

In this outfit, I had someone yell out of their car at me, all I could hear is “...hottie.” (I’m also presuming he was an adult as he was driving and didn’t have L/P plates. It was on my city’s main freeway. The speed was 100km/hr (around 65miles/hr). Fucking 100km/hr while I was on the freeway!! Shouldn’t he be looking at the road, not me!!

These obviously aren’t the only times I’ve been catcalled or whatever, I’ve been called a prostitute, asked to come over to “get my dick in your ass,” and just been called demeaning things in the street. These are just the recent ones

Whilst these instances aren’t as bad as some people’s experiences, obviously, I’ve just had enough. Also, as I mentioned, what you wear never gives justification for people to objectify or demean you, but I think it provides a bit of context because the second two don’t show anything except some mid-thigh and knee, and even the first one don’t show a ridiculous amount. I wasn’t wearing these to grab people’s attention, I was wearing them as I did my business throughout the day. People should be able to go through their day without being harassed. It disturbs me that people are being brought up in a way that they think this behaviour is okay, that other people are so below them that they can’t even consider the effect of their words. We are just objects for them to marvel and comment on.

I don’t really have a smart comment to make right now, but I’m just frustrated with all this. I might edit this later and add something more insightful when I’m calmer, but right now I want to open the discussion to both your own experiences and your thoughts about catcalling and objectifying women in general. This is obviously not a new topic, so if it’s been brought up recently I’ll move to rant 💕💕💕