Beyond hurt😢💔

How many heart aches does a girl need in order to find the one! First guy I meant we were dating for 7 months then he cheated😢 second guy I met was sooo sweet and nice then I found out he had multiple sex partners💔 3rd and final guy I met I was so heartbroken with all these failure relationships that I have trust issues I have fear of only being used for my body and I told him and he told me I could trust him he wanted to be with me ETC I stilled kept my distance. We finally got to see each other due to being 4 hours apart and me being in school and him working We hit it off great we laughed and watched movies then we had sex I was so scared for the next morning that he’d leave me. I got home and someone texted my phone and asked if I knew him and that I did and well he has multiple girlfriends. I texted him and asked him who’s number it was and he responded with “WTF you’re tripping” then he blocked me on everything.