Cheating husband?


I was looking for a concealer that I had dropped off my bed and whilst looking under the bed I see a tag off some clothing. I pull it out and it's a Victoria secrets tag. My first thought was that it's probably off one of my sisters (she's comes round a lot and tries on clothes for opinion) so I've asked her and its not hers either. I then think maybe my other half has surprised me for Christmas but closer look at the tag and it's a size small. Like I know some people get it way off when it comes to size but I'm not a small lady so my husband would be way off the mark getting a small. The only thing I can think of is that he's bought them for somebody else. I've never shopped/bought/gifted anything from Victoria's Secret. I'm really hurt. He doesnt know what I've found but how do I approach the situation as I feel silly confronting him about it.