My confusing situation 🤯🤯🤯


So first things first I have an IUD. I had it placed in May of this year at 7 weeks PP. I had one chemical pregnancy back in June. Fast forward to now. This past week-week and a half I’ve felt off again. Like I did when I was early pregnant with my daughter. So I took some tests to ease my mind, BUT it just ended up confusing me even worse 🙃 some positive some negative and I’m just ??????

VVVVFL 10/27

Waited a few days and tested again mid-day 10/1...again VVVFL on strip, negative on cassette test.

Tested again 10/3 at night time and got a faint positive

Tried to confirm with FMU 10/4 and got another faint positive (top test is from the night before)

Went out and bought FRER and tested with mid-day pee yesterday 10/4. Figured it must be positive!

Tried to confirm with FMU this morning and it seems to be an obvious negative. 10/5.

I’m really not sure what’s happening to me but I’m very confused. Doctors appointment scheduled Wednesday. Hopefully will get this figured out