I think I might be broken 😕 help please! UPDATED WITH TEST



I tested again this morning first thing. I tried to get the photo with/without the flash because I can’t tell if I see a line or not. Again. This is so frustrating. I need to have a clear positive or clear negative before I lose my mind.


My husband and I have a 7 month old son. We eventually want another, we just aren’t trying for one right now. Therefore, I’m on the pill. I was on this pill before we started trying to get pregnant with our son and it worked perfectly. My cycle was like clockwork while I was on it (not the case before it), and I had no breakthrough bleeding on it.

Now I’m worried it’s not working. I had a stomach bug a few weeks ago, which I know vomiting/diarrhea can affect effectiveness. Then a week or so later, I had some random spotting for a couple of days that went away, but it came back at the beginning of last week. It was off and on pretty much all week. I got nervous so I took a couple of tests that had questionable faint lines. I posted those here right after with mixed responses. One was a blue dye and one was a cheap test, so I waited until yesterday and took two FRER tests. Both of the FRER were negative from what I could tell, and I threw them both away before I got a picture. The other two tests I won’t repost since they have already been posted unless someone would like to analyze them.

I’m due for AF tomorrow, and I think I’m going to retest just to cover my bases, but is it even possible that I could be pregnant since I’ve been bleeding off and on for almost a week?

I’ve had some questionable symptoms, but they could all also be attributed to PMS/lack of sleep from having a 7 month old.

I don’t even know what to think at this point. Advice? Opinions? Criticisms? Anything?!?