He’s ruining our sex life

So we have a daughter now and so things aren’t as spicy... ahem. I’ve told him I want to have sex regularly but he literally just plays on his phone after our daughter goes to bed and ignores me. I’ll ask him to watch a movie with me, talk to me or whatever but he won’t. The kicker is he’ll initiate sex but in the following ways... he’ll text me “I want to have sex with you” or start rubbing my vagina while we’re watching tv. The last straw was the other night I asked him to rub my back and he so he does and seconds later he takes his cock out and starts jacking off... then when I give him the dirtiest look he says he was joking. I seriously get there’s not a lot of time for foreplay anymore but how about a kiss or something remotely romantic to get things going? I’m so tired of it, I feel like a blow up doll to him and I’ve tried asking him to be romantic but he just takes it as I don’t want to have sex. So now it’s just me initiating... and since his last stunt I don’t even want to. Before the baby he was never like this, was always sweet and took the time to get me in the mood. Help!