early ovulation 😥

Lyndsay • Mother of 3 ❤ 10/03/10, 10/13/16 & 11/07/18

You know.. usually I ovulate like clockwork. this month I'm pretty positive that I ovulated early, not just by a day but by about 4 days. me and my SO aren't exactly trying for a baby right now but we're not preventing it either. I'm a little nervous to see if I end up pregnant or not because my last pregnancy I wasn't at my peak fertility when I conceived and we had unprotected sex yesterday and I had my signs of ovulation today -- one sided cramping and feeling like I'm in heat 😅 -- sigh, I guess we'll see in a few short weeks. I wouldn't mind being pregnant, as the baby fever is real, but it's not a topic we've really spoke on. I guess the question is.. has anybody else experienced or know of anybody who experienced early ovulation that lead to pregnancy?