I wish I wasn't pregnant 😭😭

I know that's SO awful to say. Trust me, the guilt kills me. My husband and I have been trying for nearly two years. We had an ectopic pregnancy, and two miscarriages in that time frame.

I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant.

Every. Single. Day. I throw up 10 to 20 times, and I have been since 4 weeks. I literally can't get any sleep ever- I can't fall asleep, and I can't stay asleep. I'm exhausted as all get up. I work full time, and it's literally killing me. I can barely get out of bed when my alarm does go off, and I can barely keep my eyes open during the day. I've had to go home several times in the last few weeks because a)I'm so dizzy I can't even drive. b)I literally cannot stop gagging/vomiting c)I'm so exhausted I cannot function

I'm emotional- almost daily I get so mad I scream, and I bawl.

Im literally in so much pain all the time. Constantly cramping. Constant stomach pain from my vomiting. Constant back ache.

I feel AWFUL, but everyday I regret this pregnancy knowing it's not going to get better. I see all of these amazing mothers and mothers-to-be on social media, in real life, and here on glow- who are struggling to get pregnant just like I did. I NEVER thought that once I was finally successfully pregnant, that I would ever feel this way.

My heart is literally breaking 💔

The worst of it all: my husband is in no way empathetic or sympathetic. He doesn't help around the house. He constantly starts fights with me, and bitches because I'm not feeling good enough for sex.