
Amanda • Mommy of 3 girls Caydence Brooke 4.29.08 and Ella Tinlee 11.4.12 Arrow Finn 6.19.18. 🍼🍼💓💞😁😁

I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant and ive been really sick. like everyday a couple times a day. I work around food. that does not help. I called off today cuz I had diarrhea and throwing up. they called me at 830 this evening to tell me they covered my shift for tomorrow even tho I didn't ask. I texted the GM and asked what is going on and why did he okay my shift to be covered and he came back w 'dont come back until you understand I'm not ur friend or buddy but ur manager.' I have no idea what the he'll is going on or why hed say that. but I don't think he is aware that I'm protected under laws cuz I'm pregnant. what is ur take on this?