What is the date you will never forget and why?


Many comversation of mine related to love and date happened near “memorable dates.” I have asked so many what did they do to attract their long - term mates. Answer is memorable date. How to make a date memorable?

  1. activities are the best way to progress a perfect date. Stories show that high arousal activities build a stronger connection between you and your date. Activities create memories and bring you two closer together. Each of you should be integrated into one story and think in deep. Akin think bredge your ideas as well as your soul. Actually we always follow this principle unconsciously. For example, unmarried couple are willing to ride tandem during biking.
  2. Unique date: Even you are a rich man generous enough to pay for your date mates, unique date would defeat you. It reaches a startling effect. Pick a unique place for your date - a place your date never experienced before. You are the only she/he depends on. It is strongly believed that connect gets closed quickly, especially where both unfamilier. Of course, if yo are male, be gentle and protective when dating a sophisticated woman
  3. Gifts are reserved for special occasions. If you want to make it a date they'll never forget, make it special. Give a gift! It doesn't have to be extravagant, either. There's an endless supply of gift options. Choose a gift you know (or are pretty sure) they'll love. When you meet rich people, it is material valure less than heart gift . and turn your date into a special occasion.
  4. One of the most powerful emotions for creating a memory — and for making people want to share that memory with others — is awe. Go to a scenic vista or rooftop (bar), or any place that will take your breath away and make you say “Wow… That's amazing.” Create that "Wow!" moment, and you'll create a memory for you and your date.
  5. Never forget to lasting your relationship and prepare for next time. That is one of the most important parts of date.

Many date happens by chance. But serious love and lasting relationship datebegins fromoccurance imperceptable. So take care of everyone around you and be a good one.

If you are more of a silent who are not good at creation of romance and memorable date, you are welcome to join matchmaker club.

Please feel free and ask me any question.

Good luck to you