Last period was 3 months ago


My last period started at the end of July and lasted until almost mid August. It was around 21 days long but most was black blood being painfully pushed out. This is not the first time this has happened but my gynos have all said they have found no problems and usually after that long a period I may not have one during that next month or just a short one but never for this long.

As of today I have not had a period in 3 months. Except for some very small spotting of dark and light pink blood off and on for less than 24 hours once.

The past month I have been so tired I come home from work and sleep from mid afternoon until the very next morning. And I feel like I’m on my period all the time! My back constantly hurts. My boobs are sore and I have random terrible cramps.

The worst part is the wetness down there of thin, clear, watery discharge. I wake up with it everyday now and it randomly comes during the day. I will end up cramping badly and feel wet and think it’s my period. It’s not. It’s more discharge. It has almost no smell and like I said is just clear and a bit watery.

Although I have been eating healthier and exercising (not a lot but more than before) I have managed to gain almost 20 pounds in a month! And it’s all in my belly area, the rest of me is actually smaller now. My uterus seems permanently swollen to the point most days I can no longer button my pants.

I know this is a long read and these symptoms may not be related but I’d appreciate any insight you have as I live in a small town that requires me to drive a bit for my gyno which can take awhile to get an appointment with. My last took 2 months to get. An hour drive and then I saw her for 5 minutes.

Thanks for any help.