First period in 14 months.


I've posted a lot on here trying to get my body to kick into gear post BC and nothing seemed to help so I stopped doing anything and just let my body be. I have PCOS so being irregular for 1-1.5 years was normal for me but the BC was supposed to regulate me. FINALLY, after many cases of obnoxious spotting and nothing else, my period showed up between clients (I'm a massage therapist) glad I went with my gut and checked or I would have been unintentionally free bleeding for an hour and a half. Anyway, though I'm so thankful it showed up and I feel like we're back on track for TTC, I've had the heaviest period of my entire life. I literally spent Saturday bleeding through anything on me. I think it's finally calming down. I'm ready for Friday to roll around so my husband and I can do the baby dance and try to get ourselves our first little one. Hoping for baby dust :)