VBAC Support Please!!


My son is 13 months old and I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second. With my son, I planned a natural birth but cord prolapse caused things to be different. I ended up with a c-section I wasn't planning. This time I really want to try VBAC. My doctor is all for it since the births would be longer than 18 months apart (by days). I was told I cannot be induced for any reason and if something does tear during birth, I would have to be taken immediately back to surgery after my baby was born (like no holding he/she). There is an 85% success rate of VBAC but I'm scared because that means it fails 15% of the time. Cord prolapse happens less than 1% of the time! I'd love to have a healthy, natural VBAC delivery (probably in the water) so can anyone give me some advice or some encouragement? I realize I have a few months before this is a problem, but I don't want to walk into the hospital with fear. Thanks in advance!