Anyone in love with a Narcoleptic?

I’ve been understanding of my partner’s narcolepsy. But sometimes, I still have doubts about my knowledge because I still end up questioning certain things. It definitely hasn’t been easy to understand the condition but it certainly doesn’t make me love him any less, but sometimes I feel as if its a different story for him. I don’t know exactly to what extent narcolepsy impacts someone. Sometime, I feel he doesn’t make the same amount of effort with spending time together. Sometimes, we can go on days without calling or texting without a proper conversation because he just doesn’t have enough time with college, work and sleep. It’s sad but I go through it anyway. Ever since he’s been diagnosed, I’ve felt.. less valued? But, it’s not something I blame him for because I do understand. And he reassures me too.. but I miss him. I miss him a lot, sometimes. And, I just fear that our relationship will become so stale, and he’ll be so consumed by sleep that he’ll wake up one day and forget the love he has for me. I try not to think of it. I might be over-dramatising this. But how do you cope?