My November Baby!!!


Rowan was born naturally two days before a c-section scheduled because of his expected size (high risk of shoulder dystocia) and my gestational diabetes!

I’d been in fear of the c-section recovery time and praying he’d come early enough for a safe vaginal delivery. I’m so glad that baby decided to cooperate and we are both safe and well.

I went unmedicated, and honestly I spent the last eight hours of labor wishing I’d opted for an epidural (I could have got one but since I was stuck at 9cm for most of that time I could not be still enough). I coped well through early labor, but transition was loooong and I was exhausted, scared and in an altered mental state looking for relief. If giving up was an option I would have taken it!

Eventually my mind and body realized that the only way out was through the pain and I that I’d have to work hella hard to push my suspected big baby out (9.5+ was the estimate). By the time the doctors were informing me about the shoulder dystocia protocols they might have to follow I was still scared and hurting, but also resolute and ready to push.

The instant he was out I felt such a rush of joy and pride. I remember the pain and anxiety, but also how amazing it was to feel everything as my body brought my son into the world. Twelve hours later my body feels nothing worse than sore muscles from the efforts of labor and (obviously) a lot of tenderness around my perineum and stitches from a type II tear.

He’s only 8.5 pounds! Not so giant as they thought!