Wish it was my turn, labor dust please!!

ambar • Blessed mama to my lucky little 11/11 and 1/22 girls💜

Less than a week away from due date and my daughter is chillin in the womb, comfy as ever! No signs of labor, at all...a few BH and what felt like mild contractions, but nothing worth tracking. Asked for a membrane sweep at my appointment yesterday and doctor wouldn’t until next week when we’ll discuss induction if she’s not here. Sex does nothing to stir up contractions, I can feel how low she is when on my yoga ball, walking is probably the only help/relief at this point. UGH. Taking my dogs for a long walk at the park this morning in hopes to get something, anything started. If my daughter is anything like me, she’s taking her time with the extra beauty rest but come onnnn babe! Every time I check this group, I see another beautiful baby born and the baby envy is so real!