Do you think he really likes me?

So me and this guy were sleeping together for 8 years on and off. we had a fight and stopped all communication 2 years ago and recently started talking again. its been about a month and he calls me everyday when he wakes up and after work. (he moved across the country) he messages me telling me how much he misses me during the day and he calls me 'baby' and yesterday started calling me 'my love' and I really like this guy but I'm worried he's just using me cuz he doesn't want an official relationship. he said what we have now is perfect because it's pretty much a relationship?? He wants me to move across the country so he can see me everyday. he's offered to pay half my plane ticket to go for a visit to see if I like living in a big city. we got into a fight yesterday and I thought it was over and then he apologized and said he never wants to fight with me. I just don't know he used to be such a player I'm kinda scared to get hurt like I was 2 years ago. But what do you think?