Hubby doesn’t want me to lose weight

I’m so frustrated, my husband does not want me to lose weight. I’m considered obese at 225 lbs, but I am tall 5’9” so I do carry the weight well, I eat healthy, exercise and get regular check ups. I don’t drink or smoke and we cook most all our meals. But I’d like to lose the 30 lbs I’ve gained over the past 4 years. He says absolutely not! He is attracted to thick curvy women, always has been. In fact he says I should gain a little more weight. He gets on my case if I eat salads or drink protein shakes, always telling me I better not lose my thighs and hips. He says he won’t be as attracted to me if I lose weight. Part of me thinks I should just be happy that I have a husband that loves and adores me. He thinks it’s crazy my self esteem could be low because he tells me how sexy and beautiful I am everyday. He has even made comments that he will only be with a thick curvy woman and if I lose weight I can find someone that wants a skinny wife. I don’t think 200 lbs is skinny at all but to him it is a total turn off!!! We don’t fight but we do bicker back and forth about this subject often. I went to the Dr yesterday and he immediately wanted to know how much I weighed cause according to him it looks like I’ve lost a few lbs. Is this crazy? What man would want their wife to be heavier? Not to mention he is very fit, he works out like a beast and has a beautiful toned body! Am I over reacting? Sorry such a long post, I really just needed to vent somewhere