Low progesterone during pregnancy


Hi all, need some positive vibes sending this way! I had my first fresh <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> transfer 15 days ago. I've been testing since 4DPT and I'm pregnant. I'm so greatful it's my first pregnancy after 4 and a half years TTC. I had my BETA and progesterone levels checked Today. I'm currently 4 weeks 6 days pregnant. My HCG came back high and not a concern. But my progesterone came back low. They've increased my meds to compensate and booked me for more blood work on Sunday to hope it's increased. I've been getting mild stomach cramps for the last 3-4 days and today I had the very smallest pink spotting like 3 tiny dots. Anyone else pregnant with low progesterone. I'm so concerned about miscarriage I feel so scared I'm going to get this miracle taken away from me! I haven't got my scan until the 21st so 14 days.