
Nicole • My son is my world ❤️❤️❤️

i just really feel the need to type this because everyone should have a voice and here is mine. so today i went with my boyfriend and his friend to a place (not going to say where). as soon as i walked in i felt as if i was being watched. i had on yoga pants and a long sleeved t-shirt. i walked past this man and a girl sitting down on a bench and heard the woman say “gimme your number big booty”. my face turned red and i felt so violated. i told my boyfriend and he went and confronted the guy. as soon as he did, he started saying about how he was going to “tap that” and other disrespectful things. also, this guy was like 30, i’m 17! i’m a minor! when my boyfriend walked away bc his name was called, the guy said to me “let’s go outside”. then he stood up and touched my butt. my boyfriend and his friend grabbed the guy. long story short we all left the place because the women that ran the front didn’t even know what was happening! they just assumed we were causing trouble. my point is, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING DISRESPECTFUL TO WOMEN OR TOUCH THEM !!!! WE ARE NOT SEX OBJECTS. WE NEED TO BE RESPECTED. nobody, boy or girl, should EVER be disrespected like i was today. even if it’s just words! NOT acceptable and they guy got lucky he didn’t get knocked the fuck out. also be on watch because people are nasty and think that just because a woman wants to wear certain clothes, gives them the right to do or say things to them. NO. absolutely not.