particularly crappy day


ladies, oh man was today a serious roller coaster, between all the kushy gushy thankful soeeches we gave at work and happy tears to shear angry tears with the most awful woman i have ever encountered in my life. i am not angered easily, so for me to feel my blood boiling its pretty bad! i cant even explain without feeling sick, but people who judge and are rude and insinuate horrible things seriously should just go away from me for forever. blah! anyways... I'm exhausted, and feeling defeated this evening. cp is now verry low, firm and open and a sudden rush of ewcm has come signaling AF will probably be here tomorrow, which also explains my psychotic tendencies from the day. so ready to just feel normal again for about a week! until the hormones go nuts again! if there is no bfp involved I'd like to get rid of the mood swings pleeeease! lol if only! have a lovely night girls! thanks for listening to my rants!!