One year pictures!


It’s hard to believe on October 21, 2016 I had the best thing to ever happen to me! I went to work that morning having cramps which I thought were just cramps (turns out those are contractions!) kept going throughout the day until finally at 3 in the afternoon I went home because the pain was so bad to be working(I work in a daycare). Called my husband and he was already on his way home! My “cramps” were getting worse and then I started having another set of contractions right after which to me felt like real ones lol by 9 pm my sister in law comes to the house and we start to very slowly pack up the rest of the items in the car. By 1015 we are on our way to the birth center! We get there at 1045 and my room isn’t even ready! 😳 and their nurse isn’t even here yet! (This birth center closed shortly after due to too many complaints after my birth) finally 1130 rolls around and I’m ready to push! 7 pushes later at 1154pm my handsome son was born! 19 1/4 inches and 6lbs! Here we are a year later and he’s flourishing and thriving!