Abortion Experience

A week ago, I had an abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic. I was 15 weeks and 3 days so I had to go in to have dilators in my cervix and come back the next day for evacuation of the fetus. After the dilators were inserted, I was in a tremendous amount of pain. I was so uncomfortable and I even vomited because of the pain. However, I went in the next day and they took me back to the recovery area to prep for the procedure. They gave me a blanket and a heating pad and gave me the support I needed. They had notebooks on the table that other women had written in to help comfort us. When I went back for the evacuation procedure, I was emotionally distraught. I cried and the nurse gave me a tissue and assured me that everything was going to be okay. The doctor came in and asked if everything was alright. Everyone that was in the room assured me that I would be alright and I was making the right decision. Then I was given a light sedative. When I woke up, the nurse helped me into the wheelchair and helped me in the recovery room. They provided me with liquids and snacks and treated me with a lot of care. I had barely any pain when I got home. I am extremely thankful for the staff and everyone that helped me through the process. My mother was very supportive and even helped pay for it. My boyfriend supported my decision and even though we both wish that we were in the position to be able to start a family, we know this was the right decision for both of us. I am so thankful that I had the ability to make this decision so that I can continue to grow and prepare for the day that I am ready to start a family.