Ectopic Pregnancy


Hey guys!

So me and my fiancé have one little girl and want to have another. Well recently I started having normal pregnancy symptoms and I began to get my hopes up. But for the past 4-ish days, I have had pain in my left lower abdomen/pelvis area. At first I thought maybe it was nothing. But in the last few days the pain has been increasing. The more I move the more I hurt. I can’t put pressure there and when I’m up and walking, i will get a random shocking, sharp pain in that area. It’s almost as if something is is being twisted from the inside out. I’m still having nausea, slight bloating, but with this pain, that’s about all I’ve focused on. I kept thinking maybe a UTI or something other then an Ectopic Pregnancy until I had intercourse and I randomly bled. It was enough to get on my sheets but it stopped about 5 minutes after.

I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced an ectopic and if so, what did you do about it?

Is it possible for the baby to go full term?

What do you feel like?

How did you know?

**i have not yet been checked out but I’m making calls to be seen**