could we have conceived?

hi my partner and have had a lot of sex this month we are on month four of trying for a baby, last time we had sex was 2-3 days ago my period was due today but haven't got it yet. I have had very sore boobs for about two weeks and bloating for a few days (normal when my period is due) but today I have had really bad cramps which I only ever get when my period has actually arrived and started, have also been peeing a tone in the past three it possible that we conceived a few days ago and my body just hasn't adjusted to it yet? hence the cramps? I have taken three pregnancy tests (eager I know!) one yesterday that has a faded positive and two today one early morning one in the afternoon but they where negative (first test normal clear blue one the other two clear blue digital). I hate the waiting game ill be so disappointed if my period cones in the next few days