labor advice please!

Hannah • 5 beautiful children 14 angel babies pregnant and shooting for #6: the last one

I need help. I have been having preterm since 21 weeks. I'll be 31 tomorrow. I have had my fair share of contractions, cramping and strange discharge. well last night things changed. I have been having shooting hip to leg pain since yesterday evening. and all night I was having this constant cramp feeling in my back. not like timetable but like I'm gonna start my period. this morning I woke up and seen what's in the below picture in my undies. I think it's dried blood. now I can hardly sit or stand because I am having constant pain in my hips and back like super pressure. I don't want to run back to the doctor for another false alarm. can you ladies help me. can you tell me if the undies looks like blood or if it's normal.