smoking aversion?


I know I've posted a couple times here lately but I feel like I'm here going crazzzyyy. I need to know if anyone is with me?

after AF I still felt as if I was having my cycle. it (AF like symptoms) stopped for like a day maybe then started up again.

I'm now on day 3 of my fertile window per Glow.

I'm a cigarette smoker & have been wanting to quit but just haven't been able to make myself. the past two weeks I've had maybe 4 cigs. I CAN'T stand the smell & it's been gross. I'm super excited! it just happened.

I've already scared myself into possibly having endometriosis so at least this was a little more on the positive side 😬

has this happened to you & you were pregnant?

I'm waiting for AF to near again before I buy a pregnancy test