Do I sound like I’m suffering with depression?

I am 26 years old with two children.

I have no partner and I don’t really have any friends.

I say I have no friends; I have one friend who I see once maybe every 3/4 weeks. She pops round mine but never uninvited, I have to ask her or she’ll write to me saying I’ll come round soon, as if waiting for an invite.

I had friends but they slowly gave up with me due to me having a new baby at the time, and they just assumed I couldn’t make it to things. (None of them had kids)

I also have one other associate who asks if he can see me, but tbh I can’t be bothered with him. It’s all me me me and money. I feel we have nothing in common and like he isn’t interested in what I have to say.

Oh and another ‘friend’ who I genuinely believe he only speaks to me because he’s trying to sleep with me. He has a girlfriend but always tells me things he shouldn’t.

I don’t go anywhere unless it’s ferrying my children to and fro clubs, school or classes. Or taking my Nan shopping.

I just can’t be bothered to do anything. I go to bed at 8/9pm because I see no reason to stay up.

It gets me upset that I feel like I have no one to talk to, but then in the next breath I tell myself to stop feeling sorry for myself and get over it.

And that it’s my fault I have no friends and don’t do anything as I choose to not speak to people.

People would never guess I feel like this. I am a seemingly confident, bubbly person.

I know people will say go to my GP but I don’t want to; it’s embarrassing. And I also don’t know what to say. I have history in my family of depression.

I feel like I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

I see no future, like I don’t have a job as my Son is still small. I have no hobbies. I just live day by day, every day/week the same.

Then I go back and tell myself everybody lives day by day, that’s life.

Please give me some advise.

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