How to be strong..

I don’t know how to remain strong.. I’m 19 years old.. i currently live in a hotel waiting on a housing place to send a check to a landlord so i can get into the apartment. I’ve been homeless for over 2 years (bouncing from home to home and hotels). Me and my boyfriend of 4 years ended up pregnant and currently have a 3 week old daughter. Originally, i wanted to do adoption because i knew i couldn’t provide her with the life she deserves and that thought alone is enough to break me to pieces.. he was completely against it and insisted we kept our baby. I love this little girl with my entire being, my entire life. But I’m a stay at hime mom and i unfortunately don’t have the choice to work because he works everyday and it’s not set hours so some days he works til 3 and other days he works til 6-9 like everyday is different. I’m stuck in this hotel room all day and night. I take care of the baby all night long and all day long and when he comes home he still expects me to care for her all on my own.. i can’t do it anymore. I’m so depressed. I love my daughter so so much and i feel like such a horrible mom for wishing i had given her to a family that could give her everything she wants and needs but i just want what is best for her and i can’t stop crying because i know i won’t ever be able to provide her with what she deserves.. 😞 idk how to be strong.. i wish i could die but i could never end my life and leave her here alone. The least i could do for her is provide her with love and every ounce of emotional support possible as she grows up. My life is destroying me as a person. I feel like such a failure for not being more careful with sex and bringing a life into the world before i had my own life stabilized and figured out. I’m in college and i wish i had finished first and had a good job in my future nursing career and actually had a home.. idk what to do anymore.