
Hey.. so I broke up with my boyfriend recently after he cheated on me and I have been having the hardest time moving on. There was this time where I wanted to text my ex.. which I know I shouldn’t. So I decided I would distract myself by using this text strangers app. I met a decent guy in there and he’s been great at conversing. It’s been three weeks and I’ve just been enjoying his company, it’s nothing serious, we occasionally flirt but we both knew what was going on with each other. A few weeks after.. this boy said to me “I know you’re still going over a break up, and that’s also why we are talking but I really found something in you. I really like you”. I just told him that I’m probably not in the best state to be making decisions like that right now and of course, we just mutually stay as friends. So I tell my best friend about this and.. she gets really mad, she says to me “why am I not enough for you to feel enough? Why do you need to go and talk to random guys to feel better when we’re here”. I honestly don’t know what to feel.. because I feel like it’s unfair that she thinks she isn’t enough.. her comfort is one thing but me being able to talk to “random stranger guys” help me in another way. I guess I’m just selfish.. I really don’t know what to do