I’m going to cut!

I’m going to cut my parents out of my life. I have always been treated wrong. I help out around the house. Clean the house. Clean after adults who are like 22+ years old living in a house. I cook and feed everyone. There been time where I get so overwhelming. My husband and I plus our almost 2 year old!! So tell me why I get overwhelmed! When we moved in we agreed on our behalf to give my parents 3-400 for rent once a month. But because my husband started a new job as a bus driver we didn’t have the money to give. Reason why we moved in when my parents is because we were struggling. I was working but I had to quit bc there was no one to watch my son if my mom was going to Cali. I had to quit to stay home and care for my lovely child. I told my dad that we’re struggling with our bills and we’re behide on it so we won’t be able to give them money until December and he was fine with expect my mom.

My mom has always been a money hunger. Always manipulate people. She goes ahead and tells my dad that we use them like a tool. Tells my dad that she doesn’t like it when people lie to her. Or like if they find a new place to stay we can’t go live with them anymore. Or another one is we’ll see if they pay for rent in December if not she going to have us live with my inlaws. She also said that if we use to live with my inlaws and give them 400 why can’t we do the same.

My dad said it fine if we don’t give them the money since they weren’t paying mortgage anymore but my mom keeps insisting that we do.

Honestly I’m at my lowest right now. Reason why I’m not going back to work until the end of January is because Im potty training my son he’s almost two and trying to get my license. So I can find a better paying job and stop asking people for ride to work.

I feel like Im getting eaten up all over again. This is only half my story...... there so much more I need to say and be done...

Please don’t bash at me. 😞😞