Update!!Af still a no show : Cycle buddy? AF due NOV 28th


Any symptoms ?

I ovulated on the 14th of nov. that day I spotted ! Could have been from the ovulation or maybe Implantation ??

I'm 3DPO Today (nov 17). So far I've been gassy(tmi!) , af type cramps, fatigue, really sore nipples 😭 and extremely bloated .

What are your symptoms so far ladies ?? BABYDUST !

Update #2- (4DPO) I'm cramping bellow my belly button, this is a bit similar to af type cramps but a little different . I'm still a lil bloated , sore nipples (right nipple is worse?) , increased in white cm and a bit constipated (sorry ) what are yours so far ladies?

Been also having sharp off and in pain in my actually stomach and back

I'm currently so tired and sleepy

Suddenly out of breath walking up the stairs


Update#3- 5DPO- extreme upset stomach after 2#, sore nipples, don't wanna eat anything (crying cuz of upset tummy) , anything I eat hurts my stomach , tired, sleeping , mild af type cramps, terrible off and on heartburn

Update#4- 6DPO- af type cramps , tummy ache (not as bad as yesterday, heartburn, burping (each time I burp feels like I'm about to puke), nausea , really terrible smelly gas(tmi sorry!) tummy bubbling, like gas bubbles.

6DPO- af type cramps , tummy ache (not as bad as yesterday, heartburn, burping (each time I burp feels like I'm about to puke), nausea , really terrible smelly gas, tummy bubbling, twinges in right hip bone, sore nipples, saliva, peeing a lot, yellow cm (Nov 20 2017)

7DPO-yellow cm in am, diarrhea, toothache?, af type cramps , slight headache, vivid dreams that I had a newborn(gave him formula and breast fed it), sneezed out of nowhere , acid reflux, nausea, ichy nipples , gums hurting ?, sore nipples (Nov 21 2017)

8dpo-diarrhea , tummy ache (feels like food poisoning , front tooth and gums hurt, sharp shooting pain in right thigh?, af type cramps (feels like it's about to come), lower back ache, slight headache, achey knees and legs.(Nov 22 2017)

9DPO-front right tooth still hurts, heartburn (mild)entire gums is hurt!!, shooting pain in hip and knee, nips not as sore. Other than that , pretty child day 😊(Nov 23 2017)

10DPO-diarrhea?, bruised gums (hurts so bad when I brush my teeth), tummy ache, under belly button hurt when I bend over, shooting pain in knee, crazy heartburn, bloated like crazy . (Nov 24 2017)

11DPO- af type cramps 😢, super bloated(like I'm 3 months !!), painful ache in right boob, acid reflux , itchy nips ( Nov 25 217)

12DPO- very vivid dream that I took two hpts in front of my family (weird lol) and they both had very strong positives!, mild af type cramps, stabbing pain in right boob, mild heartburn, milky cm, crazy bloated (Nov 26 2017)

13DPO- tini tiny af type cramps, nausea(like I'm about to puke any second , chest pain/heartburn

Strange pain from waist to legs(achey like crazy), sneezing, my butt hurts!!!, my toes are so achey 😩😩, painful lower back pain, now a sudden throat pain, what is happening ?????, nipples hurt like crazy about 8:00pm(and not during the day(Nov 27 2017)

14DPO- (af due date) mild Af type , nipples boobs, a bit tired , sleepy , hungry !!, no serious signs of af (checking panties every 5 seconds ), feeling some wetness down there , Sharp shooting pain in vajajay, increased milky cm. (Nov 28 2017)

15DPO-vivid dream that I was holding baby clothes and it said "it's a girl " on it 😳😳, really sore boobs, nipples and boobs, my throat hurts, sleepy, kinda tired, yellowish cm, hungry but not feeling like eating,bloated, tini tiny pulling sensations on sides but that was about it. I felt normal later on that day. Not even a single slightest sign of af.

16DPO- I think this is a BFN😢😢😢😢. Still no sign of af. I'm so bummed right now guys

17DPO-loads of yellowish cm, tired, slight cramps(Dec 1 2017)

18DPO-bfn, slight cramps but still no sign of af,

Guys I'm 4 days late , BFN and still nothing . No signs of af at all. But I have this slight pulling sensation. Idk what to think anymore 😭😭😭

Hi again guys !! Since I don’t like posts going cold so I thought that I’d kee you guys updated .

Well Af is still a NO SHOW, yes can’t believe it myself and still been BFNs. I’m gonna post pics of my BFNs so you can see for yourself.

Hi AGAIN! Keeping you guys updated again so you don’t have to wonder what happened ! So af is still a no show, yes!! Almost two months late! And BFNs on blood test and urine . I’ll post the test I just took (dec 20 2017)